Canadian Classification Dictionary of Occupations (CCDO)
Occupational classification system used by the WSIB to code occupation of work on compensation claim records.
Discharge Abstract Database (DAD)
Database used to identify cases of non-malignant disease in the ODSS.
Hazard Ratio (HR)
A hazard ratio is a quantitative statistical measure used to describe risk. The HR’s generated by the ODSS represent the risk of a disease in a particular occupation or industry group compared to all other worker groups. A HR>1 signifies an increased risk of a given disease within a select group, while a HR<1 signifies a decreased risk of a given disease in that specific group.
Ontario Health Insurance Plan (OHIP) eClaims Database
Provincial database used to identify cases of non-malignant disease in the ODSS.
National Ambulatory Care Reporting System (NACRS)
Database used to identify cases of non-malignant disease in the ODSS.
Ontario Cancer Registry (OCR)
Provincial database used to identify cases of cancer, except for non-melanoma skin cancer, in the ODSS.
Workplace Safety and Insurance Board's (WSIB) Time-Loss Claims Database
The WSIB is an independent trust agency that administers compensation and no-fault insurance for Ontario workplaces. This database contains information related to accepted compensation claims for work-related injuries and illnesses, including the occupation or industry held by the claimant at the time of the incident.